Terrorist Arrests in German Debunk Argument That Islam Is “Religion of Peace”

Most of us didn’t need to see any other attacks to prove that Islam is not a peaceful religion. But there are those that will defend Islam in spite of their teachings and terror attacks. I wonder how these defenders of Islam would feel if one of their family members was killed by an Islamic terrorist.

One of the nation’s leading experts on Islam says the recent arrest of three suspected Islamic terrorists in Germany illustrates the folly of those who insist that Islam is a religion of peace.

According to news reports, the three terrorist suspects were from an al-Qaeda influenced group that was motivated by a “profound hatred of U.S. citizens.” German prosecutors say they were arrested on suspicion of plotting imminent massive bomb attacks on U.S. facilities in Germany. Authorities are saying the three — two of whom are German converts to Islam — had trained at camps in Pakistan that were run by the Islamic Jihad Union, and had obtained some 1,500 pounds of hydrogen peroxide for making explosives.

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, says there is no doubt that the terrorist suspects were motivated by the “same ideology that brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11 and is responsible for all the other terror attacks we see.”

Spencer says this plot again debunks the argument that Islam is a peaceful religion that has somehow been hijacked by extremists. “That’s one thing that shows how false and hollow this analysis is. That this tiny minority of extremists seems to be distributed all around the world and not to be effectively opposed by the peaceful Muslims,” he points out.

He shares that he is not surprised that two of the suspects were actually converts to Islam. According to Spencer, the current “age of rampant moral relativism” in the West makes Islam attractive to many people because of its “moral certainty and its unwillingness to compromise with the spirit of the age.” He warns that unless Europe comes to grips with the demographic realities, Germany and other countries will become Islamic. Spencer’s latest book is called Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is, and Islam Isn’t.

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4 Responses to “Terrorist Arrests in German Debunk Argument That Islam Is “Religion of Peace””

  1. Terry Says:

    Beth, you need to seek help for your irrational anger at other religious institutions. Do you truly believe all Muslims are like those extremists you see on television?

    I have news for you: stare into a mirror, and you’ll see the same extremism alive and well in your heart. It’s only a matter of time before your actions begin to reflect the not-so-righteous anger coming through in your words.

    I will pray for you, and for the anger you harbor at your fellow man.

  2. Beth Says:


    I just looked in the mirror and did not see any extremism at all, but thanks for being concerned.

    After much deep soul searching, I have come to the determination that I do not have any “irrational anger” at “religious institutions”. I am not really angry at religious institutions at all. Again thanks for your concern. I am not prone to irrationality or anger either for that matter.

    I do not believe that all muslims are like those we see on TV, you know the ones that are always killing someone, training their kids to kill people, bombing themselves, bombing their infant or preschool children, burning flags, burning cars, bombing cars, holding signs that are on fire that say kill the Jews or Jews are pigs, hijacking planes and flying them into large buildings, in training camps to learn to fly planes into large buildings, teaching their kids to become suicide bombers, telling the media how they revere those who are suicide bombers, sitting on the back of a toyota with an ak-47 looking for someone to kill and something to burn………….you know those people. No, I do not believe that all muslims are like those people.

    What I do believe is that the qu’ran teaches muslims to hate God’s chosen people and kill Jews and Christians. If you have a problem believing that then you need to study your qu’ran and read for yourself the verses that teach this.

    Anyway, my emotion here is not anger at the muslims. It is more pity and disgust at our government who will not see the danger that this group poses to America and Israel. If you call that anger, so be it. You say tomato and I say tomaaato. We will agree to disagree - wont be the first time I have disagreed with a comment and I am sure it wont be the first time you have disagreed on a blog.

    So, Terry, you keep on prayin’ and being righteous and I will keep on calling attention to the muslim terrorist threat that America is facing!


  3. Josh Says:

    I must say that extremists never recognizes themselves as such. Most seem to view themselves as the righteous ones.

    Sorry I didn’t leave a longer post, I’m off to study my qur’an!

  4. Steve Says:

    As you study Koran and such, pay particular attention to the following passages:

    Sura 2:191 “Kill them (Christians and Jews) wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out…”

    Sura 193 “Fight (kill) them (those who reject Islam) until there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s.”

    Sura 9:29 “Fight those who do not believe in God and the last day…and fight People of the Book, who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute by hand, being inferior.”


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