Re-Post: Nearing Midnight for June 5th (Part 2)

D-Day 6/6/6

America is celebrating during this week one of the most momentous days of World War II. It ranks right up there, probably even ahead of V-E Day and V-J Day, symbolizing the allied victories over the Axis powers of Europe, then Japan.
But Hollywood has, as those purveyors of turning truth into lie often do, asked us to suspend believability and accept this landmark date as another sort of D-Day. The D, in this case, stands for “Devil.”
Todd and I have been asked a number of times, in the several weeks leading to June 6, 2006, what we think of the date 6/6/06, as if it was possessed of everything evil Hollywood –for entertainment purposes—wants the rest of us to believe it to be possessed. The questions about the date, of course, are built around the number found in Revelation, Chapter 13: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Rev. 13:18).
All of this hoopla centers around the movie, “The Omen,” in its modern incarnation. The film is about the Antichrist –sort of like that man of evil is depicted in God’s Word, the Bible. I say “sort of,” because, again, as Hollywood often does, truth about this devilish character is seriously skewed. Antichrist’s number is, of course, 666, which corresponds to the date June, the 6th month, the 6th day of the month, and the year, ‘06. The media has been desperate to know what we think of this coincidence –which is no coincidence at all, of course. The hip Hollywood promotion gurus chose the date for the very reason it evokes thoughts that magnify the evil of the subject of the film. The release date is just perfect, it seems, just as this last earthly evil dictator will appear to be to most of the earth-dwellers when he first appears. But, he will be just the opposite of perfection. He will bring hell to earth, as he will be, ultimately, indwelt by Satan, himself, I’m convinced.
Being an old guy, I have the advantage over many of our country’s younger people who might view all of this with a whistle of weirdness. The first “Omen” movie –released in the mid-70s–as I recall, began with comets crossing in the heavens. The date given in that first movie and subsequent book, “The Omen,” as June 6, 1966. So, there’s nothing new here. Just like there’s nothing new about people throughout the ages trying to figure what the numerical entity “six hundred threescore and six” means. Yes. It does add up to 666. But what does it mean? Yes. It is the name of a man, the prophecy says. No. It doesn’t say anything about it being a date. These are facts we have about the mystery many in the American media seem to want to know. Everything else is speculation.
And much speculation there has been throughout the years. From Nero to Napoleon Bonaparte, to Hitler, John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, and Ronald Reagan, ad infinitum, the speculation continues. It was, for example, Dr. Kissinger’s name that added up to 666. It was Mr. Reagan’s address that equaled the prophesied number. Now we have a number of European Union officials vying for the title Antichrist –and even an empty seat number 666 that fits the bill for Antichrist’s number. Oh yes! Now it is the date 6/6/6. The next D-Day that might bring the son of perdition to a theater near you is June 6, 2066. Not many –if any– of us will be here to celebrate the event. I prayerfully hope the blessed hope of Titus 2: 13 –the real Christ—will have come for you in the Rapture well before that date. I know with certainty that He will have come for me by then, one way or the other.

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